Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan Canvas

Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan Canvas

Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan CanvasAs with the first two paintings in the Disney Dreams Collection, Thomas Kinkade tells the whole story in a single image – what he refer’s to as a “narrative panorama”. We see Neverland in the distance, just below the “second star to the right”, as the full moon bathes the scene with its silvery glow. The lights of London twinkle along the river Thames, as the clouds take shape, if only in our imagination, as characters from the adventure – Captain Hook, Smee, the Lost Boys and the ubiquitous ticking crocodile.

We only use the highest quality finish canvas material and custom made and fitted wooden frames. Each of our canvases is hand stretched on a 18mm gallery frame and fitted with corner wedges to provide extra tension to prevent any sagging in the future. All our canvases are finished to the highest quality and come already stretched and fitted ready to hang. The Epson UltraChrome HDR ink we use is fade resistant up to 75 years so your canvas stays high quality

For a guide how to hang your canvas click here or If you require any information please contact us here

Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan Canvas, Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan Canvas Print, Thomas Kinkade Disney Peter Pan Canvas, Thomas Kinkade Disney Canvas, Disney Peter Pan, Thomas Kinkade Peter Pan Print
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